Jason Admin : Fishing Forum Posts

Gene, at the moment, I regret that there is not. But you can have Google do the work for you by limiting your search to a specific location with the "site" parameter. For example, if you want to search for "swim jigs", you can enter the following search into Google
swim jigs site:bassu.tv/bass-fishing-discussion

September 24, 2021 04:28:20 PM

I'm sorry I didn't see this message earlier. Yes, we have 1-time charge gift cards at https://bassu.tv/gift-card
When you purchase a gift card, you enter the recipient's email address, they will receive a code to enter to redeem the 1 year subscription and instructions on how to setup the account. Gift cards are a 1-time purchase, they are not renewed unless the person puts their own payment information on their account and chooses to continue their subscription by paying for it themselves.

September 24, 2021 04:31:47 PM

We've got a live show tomorrow about cold water cranking.

November 15, 2021 01:27:28 PM

You'll probably want something Medium Heavy to Heavy to get it out of the grass. Big fluorocarbon would probably be in order, in the 20lb. range.

November 15, 2021 01:29:17 PM

I'll assume you care primarily about #s of fish. Obviously, it would help to know if the lake is muddy/clear, deep/shallow, grass, no grass, etc. but, if I was going somewhere and didn't know anything about the lake/river, here's my list.
1. drop shot - it just catches fish anywhere any time of year
2. jig - super versatile: pitch it, flip it, swim it, etc.
3. chatterbait - I like the chatterbait better than a lipless crankbait or a spinnerbait, but these 3 are close to a tie for a reaction bait
4. fluke / floating worm - I like something natural or obnoxiously bright up in the water column that also comes through cover well
5. swimbait - When the above fail, I just throw a swimbait around anything that looks like bait on the electronics until it's time to go home

November 15, 2021 01:42:33 PM

JT Kenney discusses the importance of barometric pressure and how fronts effect Florida strain bass, and it's clear that he's at least taken it into account for fish activity.

November 15, 2021 01:46:06 PM

I'm sorry about the delay, we're reaching out to them. We were not aware of the limit in the past. I know I've placed an order smaller than $350 in the past. I'll let you know when we hear back.

November 15, 2021 01:51:47 PM
Jason Admin - admin
Topic: Apparel

Thanks for asking, we had an online shop, but are in the process of moving the inventory to another store.

November 15, 2021 02:02:19 PM

It's an interesting bait, I've yet to fish it. Admittedly, I'd always assumed it was just another crankbait and I didn't investigate it further.

November 15, 2021 02:05:07 PM

Josh, I think this is a great idea. The reason these sometimes get overlooked is because the descriptions are written to promote the show (before the show happens), then, often the guest moves into discussing something that's more specific that would be meaningful in the searchable keywords. We will see what we can do to maximize the keywords for these videos that cover specific bodies of water.

November 15, 2021 02:10:14 PM

If you navigate away from the video where you left off, it should keep track of where you are. Your progress in a video is recorded when you navigate away from the video. If you just close the browser or app, this event may not fire, so I recommend going back to the home screen or homepage when you are part way through a video you intend to come back and watch. I hope this helps.

November 15, 2021 02:12:54 PM

I guess the main advantage to single 12 volts is that you can move your cranking cables over and get the engine fired up if your cranking battery dies (which I've done a # of times).

November 15, 2021 02:17:52 PM

I don't have this model of Lowrance, but I believe there is "overlay data" or something of that nature somewhere in the setting where you choose what shows. On my older Lowrance, you can choose to show depth, water temp & time, I believe.

November 15, 2021 02:19:15 PM

Josh, thank you again for your feedback. We have some updates coming in 2022, this is an item we will discuss and see if we can get into the feature list. It would certainly be useful for tagging locations, if the content proves to be primarily about that location.

November 16, 2021 08:03:04 AM

Yes, this is the biggest issue I can think of. I used to fish a lot at night with green LED strips, livewells and electronics, sitting in the same place on top of bait all night, I was known to run down a cranking battery. Thankfully, my cranking battery cable is long enough to easily switch over one of the trolling batteries, and having been tied to a bridge piling all night, I have plenty of juice to get cranked up and get home. I've run a cranking batteries dead in the summer tournaments as well trying to keep water habitable.

November 16, 2021 08:56:47 AM

Terry Scroggins demonstrates how to weight a Strike King Pro Model 6XD crankbait, ( lure available at https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=c1UQEdGla5o&mid=38416&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tackledirect.com%2Fstrike-king-pro-model-series-extra-deep-diver-lures.html ) on the live show from March, 2021 about lure modification. https://bassu.tv/bass-fishing-video/modifying-making-lures-with-terry-scroggins-march-2021
He demonstrates the technique of weighting a 6XD to suspend or even slow sink at 1:23:58, and the best part, you can use whatever treble hooks you like.

November 17, 2021 11:15:02 AM

I also use the Alberto knot 100% of the time, with 0% fail so far. Now, I am using light lines, so that's a consideration. If I was using 50lb braid to 15lb fluoro, you could probably hear it clank through every guide. Usually if I'm using a baitcaster with a leader, I'm only using a leader that's a 1.5-2 feet long and I don't reel it into the guides. I only reel smaller lines line 10lb braid to 6-8lb fluoro through the guides on a spinning rod. Also, I may be wrong about this, but I tie a couple of overhand knots with the braid when I'm done tying an alberto knot, I feel like it adds a little protection for the otherwise exposed bend in the fluorocarbon line that will hit the guides when you reel it back in.

November 17, 2021 11:22:49 AM

RichK LK Gaston VA/NC, any update on the Spotted bass situation in Lake Gaston? The F1 hybrids in Norman were supposed to be surveyed with electrofishing in the Spring, but I've never seen a report. There's supposed to be a follow-up F1 largemouth hybrid stocking this Spring as well. While looking for the 2021 survey, I did find a previous survey report that showed that the first Alabama bass was found in 2002 and by 2010, they were 5x more abundant than largemouth bass. Proving that Alabama bass do indeed take over. The survey also showed what I've found in my fishing, but never had any scientific proof of, was that these bass like the deeper/clearer waters of the south end of Norman.
One shocking statistic was that in 1996 (before Alabama bass) Norman averaged 22 largemouth per 300 meters, in 2013, it was down to 1 largemouth per 300 meters.
The report stated explicitly that the Lake Norman species are genetically Alabama bass and not spotted bass. I have no idea what the biological difference is, as they look the same to me.

November 17, 2021 11:36:37 AM

I finally stumbled upon the results of the Spring F1 largemouth survey in Lake Norman:
It appears that the fish from the 2020 Fall first stocking had not grown through the winter when electrofishing for the Spring 2021 survey.

November 17, 2021 11:41:46 AM

Hey, I heard back from Cashion rods, it appears that the coupon code is good for $25 off an ICON rod purchase of $350 or more. I've updated the offers page.

November 17, 2021 12:57:48 PM

Tackle Warehouse usually has a Black Friday sale with some pretty deep discounts (no coupon code needed, usually), so I would keep my eyes out for that offer.

November 19, 2021 03:14:36 PM

Hopefully the kids won't get tired of not catching fish. As much as I love catching bass, I usually start kids fishing with live bait like worms around bluegill.
If they have the patience for bass fishing (which I didn't as a kid), that's awesome. Power fishing lures like crankbaits at least kept me busy throwing and winding. A great lure that kept me busy for hours as a kid, which also caught every species of fish was the Panther Martin ( https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=c1UQEdGla5o&mid=38416&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tackledirect.com%2Fpanther-martin-in-line-spinners.html ). It's a chunk and wind bait that doesn't get hung a lot as long as the kiddos are winding it at a reasonable pace.
Other great lures for kids catching bass, having fun and getting hung up less are:
floating worms - some of the most exciting bites I've ever had were Zoom Trick worms https://bassu.tv/bass-fishing-video/floating-worm-wacky-worm-fishing-kriet
chatterbaits - https://bassu.tv/bass-fishing-video/3-ways-bryan-thrift-fishes-his-favorite-chatterbaits
shakey head - https://bassu.tv/bass-fishing-video/shaky-head-worm-shakin-finesse-techniques-wiggins

Here are some videos with techniques that will get bites pretty much any time:

I hope this helps.

November 19, 2021 03:46:52 PM

You asked the right guy for this information. If Pete didn't mention it, I was going to share that he often talks about going to the painted blades. Here are few of Pete's classes that are steeped in Delaware River and Upper Chesapeake experience:

November 30, 2021 01:37:44 PM

I know that I've driven around a long way before I located them. One of the top places I find them, particularly this time of year and early Spring is around where 2 creek channels meet.

November 30, 2021 01:40:35 PM

Bass University Membership Sale