Jason Admin : Fishing Forum Posts
This isn't available at this time, mostly because no one has ever requested in that fashion. We have playlist & favorites on the website. To-date, people only asked that they be able to flag videos, not watch them in a sequence without further user interaction. Maybe that's a feature we need and no one else has thought to ask for it. I'm not sure. In either case, we'll discuss it and thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Understood. Unfortunately, our system operates outside of our hosts tools, because the videos aren't public, tools like playlists don't work, as for as we can tell. Additionally, all of our categorization of videos is done within our software, so they aren't related in any way on the host. For all intents and purposes, our host believes we have 1458 random unrelated videos with non-descript titles and no descriptions. So, for this to be meaningful, we would need to build our own queue and advance videos when the end of a video is detected. It's possible we would pursue this feature, but we will need to investigate it further and see what type of workload is involved.