After a hiatus from the Elite Series to fish the Major League Fishing Bass Pro Tour, Jason Christie re-qualified for the Elite Series, then proceeded to win the Sabine River event in his first year back. In this Bass University exclusive interview, Jason Christie talks about how the tournament progressed for him. He was making long runs and wasn't sure he'd have the fuel to make it to the backwater area he was fishing and back each day. Additionally, with the changing water levels, getting to the area was slow and monopolized the fishing day. Christie talks about being stubborn and sticking to his plan, which was fishing a Booyah Covert Double Colorado Spinnerbait. Thanks to Google Earth, we are able to see the route that Christie took and the area he fished from overhead. 

  • 0:28 Jason Christie back in the winner's circle on the Bassmaster Elite Series tournament trail
  • 1:58 Winning or losing by being stubborn
  • 6:15 How Jason Christie's tournament progressed with the water rising on the final day
  • 9:07 Why Jason Christie was fishing prespawn pattern this late in the Spring on the Sabine River
  • 11:04 Where Jason Christie was fishing on the Sabine River in the 2021 Bassmaster Elite Series tournament and his fuel conservation strategy
  • 16:50 Getting back into the hard-to-reach places, around obstacles and using the boat as a tool
  • 18:43 Looking at the areas that Jason Christie fished on Google Earth and why he chose the areas he fished
  • 31:00 Baits and tackle that Jason Christie used to win the Sabine River Bassmaster Elite Series bass fishing tournament
  • 38:34 The tough road to re-qualifying for the Bassmaster Elite Series

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