JT Kenney knows a thing or two about fishing jigs. People ask him all the time, "What's your favorite jig?". JT Kenney responds, "Favorite jig for what?". That's exactly what this seminar is about. Fishing jigs is not a one-size-fits-all affair. There are several different styles of jigs, and further, there are scores of manufacturers making different designs of that type of jig. Kenney will discuess various types of jigs, where he fishes them for bass, depth zones, how he fishes the bait to generate strikes and characteristics about that particular jig which distinguishes it from other jigs. Kenney will talk about important details, like when the direction of the line tie will make a difference, line test recommendations and more. Below you will find JT's recommended jigs:

Jig Type JT's Favorite Brand Top Jig Tip from this Video
Watch the video for all the tips!
Football Jig Nichols Pro Tour Football Jig You don't need a heavy gauge hook and heavy line for the football jig
Light Cover Swim Jigs Nichols Saber Swim Jig Often, pressures fish will bite a swim jig when they won't bite anything else
Heavy Cover Swim Jigs Nichols Sledgehammer Swim Jig Throw this jig on braided line, otherwise you'll miss a lot of fish on mono and fluorocarbon
Grass Jigs Nichols JT's Grass Wizard Jig JT Kenney explains the 25 years of experience that went into designing this jig
Pitching Jigs Nichols DB's Finesse Jig horizontal line tie and broader head is key for pitching into laydowns and wood cover
Skipping Jigs Nichols JT's Grass Wizard Jig Look for a head with a flat face for optimal skipping
Finesse/Ball Head Jigs See all Finesse Jigs Great to fish when the other guys are throwing shakey head

JT Kenney also covers the controversial topic, "does fluorocarbon line stretch"?

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bait selection jigs jt kenney

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