BASS Open champion and 2017 Bassmaster Classic angler Charlie Hartley has been fishing bass tournaments for a quarter of a decade. Between BASS and FLW, he's fished in nearly 350 bass fishing tournaments. In this video, Charlie Hartley shares his passion for fishing by talking about finess flipping.

Charlie grew up in Ohio, where bass limits were hard to come by. Most of the anglers back then were "soakers", because they used a technique called "soaking" or "deadsticking", which means leaving or fishing a bait in an area for a painfully long time. Charlie was just getting started with fishing when the flipping technique started to gain popularity, and as an early adopter, he's been flipping for quite a while.

If you want to win fishing tournaments, the key if catching fish the most effecient way possible. Finesse tactics should be a last resort, but because of fishing pressure, and clear water, sometimes it's the best option available. When fish are in that negative mood, the fishing tips, tactics, baits and techniques shared in this video will help you catch your limit. Below are the topics Charlie covers in this bass fishing video:

  • Try your big baits and power tactics first!
  • Rods, Reels, Line and Bait for Finesse Flipping
  • Difference between soaking a bait and the "cat and mouse response"
  • Why flip a jig instead of fishing a shaky head or other spinning finesse technique?
  • When do I switch to flipping a soft plastic bait?
  • When are the best times to employ finesse flipping techniques?
  • Can you catch big fish flipping small baits?
  • Importance of stealth boat positioning and Power-Poles
  • Don't be in a hurry to get your bait out of the strike zone!

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charlie hartley finesse flipping

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