Catching Winter Bass with KVD

Cold Water Fishing with Crankbaits and Jerkbaits

7-time BASS angler-of-the-year, 4-time Bassmaster Classic champion & 2001 FLW angler-of-the-year Kevin VanDam aka KVD has over $6m in career bass fishing tournament earnings. In this seminar, his first with The Bass University, VanDam discusses cold water power fishing tactics, which can be used late fall, winter and early spring. In this nearly 1-hour instruction video seminar, Vandam will cover the following topics:

  • Cold water fishing line selection
  • Vandam's equipment selection for fishing jerkbaits
  • KVD's crankbait and jerkbait favorites for winter power fishing
  • What part does the bass's lateral line play in fishing cold or dirty water?
  • What are bass primarily feeding on in the winter?
  • Weighting jerkbaits, crankbaits and other hardbaits with dots and bigger hooks
  • Locating bass in colder water conditions
  • Vandam lipless crankbait fishing secrets
  • KVD's thoughts on rattles vs no rattles
  • What is the most important thing about fishing a jerkbait?
  • Quick tips about fishing bluffs, riprap, bridge pilings and other types of cover in the winter, and why bass are there
  • What factors effect the sink and float rate of hard baits?


Related Bass Fishing Topics
autumn cold water crankbaits jerkbaits kevin vandam power fishing spring winter

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