FLW tournament bass fishing angler Scott Suggs joins The Bass Univeristy in Kokomo, Indiana to talk about sight fishing for bedding bass. Scott starts by talking about eyewear and how lens color needs change with water clarity and weather conditions. He also talks about what baits he uses to catch bedding bass, once he's located them.

Main Topics in this Bedding Bass Fishing Class

A problem many people have is catching the more aggressive male off a bed and moving on to the next bed. Particularly if you're a tournament angler, you need to catch the bigger female bass. Scott offers some information about identifying the moods of a pair on the bed, dealing with the aggressive male, ensuring the female doesn't abandon the bed and ultimately deciding if the fish is catchable in a reasonable time.

Once you've decided a fish can be caught off of a bed, you'll want to hear Suggs's tips for "working the fish". How can you trigger a strike from a bedding bass? Scott talks about techniques for getting the fish to commit to the bait.

Where are the best spawning areas?

That depends on the species. Scott talks about where to look when targeting largemouth, spotted and smallmouth bass. Not only do these species spawn in different areas, but they also behave differently. Scott shares some tips on dealing with different species of bass. Scott also discusses the cycle of when/where bass migrate throughout the spawn season.


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largemouth scott suggs sight fishing smallmouth spawn spotted bass

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