Bryan Thrift loves to fish a new body of water, and try to figure it out enough to beat locals with just a few days of practice. The preparation to fish these tournaments starts months before heading out to fish the first time. Thrift also employs a very unique approach to how he uses local knowledge (baits & techniques that usually catch bass during a specific season). Watch this bass fishing class seminar video to learn how to prepare to fish a new lake or a new river for bass, learn what research you need to do, and what you can do to set yourself apart from the other 200 boats in a tournament and catch a winning bag.

  • 0:06 Approaching a new body of water - how to prepare for a tournament on a lake or river you've never fished before
  • 1:39 What research to do months before you plan to fish a new body of water, including Google Earth tips & tricks
  • 14:16 Fishing a new lake or river for the first time
  • 34:29 Bryan Thrift's golden rule for fishing a new body of water

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