Randy says that the mid-depths of the water column are the most overlooked and he will show you his best crankbaits. Randy will also share his knowledge of the latest innovations in sound technology with crankbaits. While shallow and deep crankbait fishing are two of the most popular ways to power fish, medium diving crankbaits can fit in an angler's arsenal all year. Medium diving crankbaits target fish between the 8 to 12-foot range. This particular depth range is vital because as bass transition from pre-spawn, spawn, summer, and winter stages, many bass pass through that critical depth range. In this seminar, Randy Howell discusses his strategies for year-round crankbait fishing. 

Howell explains how to fish a medium diving crankbait, and how to select the best crankbait rod and reel. Additionally, Howell discusses the best treble hooks for crankbait fishing, and just how important sound is when it comes to bass fishing. 

  • 4:10 How To Fish Medium Diving Crankbaits
  • 7:10 Gear Setup For Medium Diving Crankbaits
  • 13:10 Picking The Right Medium Diving Crankbait
  • 19:20 Wintertime Cranking
  • 23:50 Springtime Cranking
  • 34:45 Summertime Cranking
  • 39:15 Importance Of Crankbait Sounds
  • 53:20 Picking The Right Treble Hooks

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crankbaits hooks randy howell remastered spring summer winter

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