Peter Thliveros is a bass fishing legend. With 13 Bassmaster Classic appearances, 7 BASS tournament wins (including 2 Majors) and an FLW angler of the year title, his bass fishing credentials speak for themselves. Peter T., as he is most often referred, is also a Florida native, and, back in the 70's you did 2 things fishing in Florida. "You did 2 things, you threw a plastic worm, and you threw a topwater bait". In this seminar, Peter T is focusing on throwing a plastic worm. He started with throwing weightless Texas rigs, but in this fishing instructional seminar he wants to share the tips and tactics for how to fish a Carolina rig. 

Use these shortcuts to access key topics in this video about fishing a carolina rig for bass:

  • 6:10 What is a carolina rig?
  • 11:25 Carolina rig leader length
  • 14:05 Weight type and size
  • 22:00 Soft plastic selection for Carolina rig fishing
  • 24:00 Swivels
  • 27:55 Fishing line type
  • 29:45 Type of sinker
  • 33:05 Fishing rod length
  • 36:00 Type of knot to use for a Carolina rig
  • 37:00 Rod position and hookset

After introducing you to the basic setup of the Carolina rig, Peter talks about the mechanics of the rig, for instance, your bait isn't floating unless you have a life jacket on your worm. So Peter, isn't setting his leader length based on how far bass are suspended off the bottom. In this 42-minute Carolina rig bass fishing instructional seminar, Peter T also discusses:

  • The importance of selecting the right weight, how it impacts casting, not spooking fish, feeling the bottom composition/structure and setting the hook.
  • Peter T throws 1 type of worm on a Carolina rig 90% of the time, find out what it is.
  • What's the importance of the swivel on a Carolina rig?
  • What type of line is best for fishing this rig?
  • Why is rog length important, and what length is best for fishing a Carolina rig?
  • Knots for tying the leader, swivel, main line, and hook.
  • Tips and secrets for increasing your hookup percentage.
  • and more!

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carolina rig peter thliveros worms

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