Everyone wants to catch as many fish as they can, but the reality of tournament fishing is that catching the most fish isn’t always the best method – sometimes you need to focus on grinding out the right five bass limit.
"You're only trying to catch five,” said Drew Cook. “That's the deal. You only have to catch five, and you have to have that mental attitude that it doesn't matter if you catch 30 -- or six -- you can only weigh in five."
In this seminar, Cook explains how he goes about preparing for a tournament, and specifically how he goes about grinding for fish in what he has determined are the right areas.
This method requires a different mental approach than many have. While most anglers set the goal of ending the day with a limit, Cook stresses the importance of targeting the right fish – which can result in only bringing three or four fish to the scales.
Cook’s grinding technique is a two-fold approach: power and finesse fishing. He recommends starting off in an area by power fishing – with baits like swim jigs and vibrating jigs – and then circling back through the area with more finesse applications, like drop shots and ned rigs.
It’s easy to get lost in trying to learn every single technique, but Cook recommends sticking to your strengths when fishing. Just because a lake is known for a certain technique, doesn’t mean you can’t catch them using methods you are more comfortable with.
Cook’s seminar walks you through how to find and locate fish on various bodies of water, and equips you with the knowledge to help you catch more of the quality fish that live in those areas.
Grinding it Out in Bass Fishing Tournament Main Topics
- 3:20 How To Find Productive Water
- 9:00 How To Mentally Prepare For The Grind
- 13:45 Bait Selection For Finding Bass
- 18:20 Importance Of Researching Where You're Fishing
- 26:45 Fishing Your Strengths
- 31:00 How Paper Maps Compare To Digital Maps
- 34:00 How To Manage An Area Of Bass
Related Bass Fishing Topics
bait selection drew cook locating bass mental practice preparation tournaments
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