Gerald Swindle had sort of a "burned out" moment a few years ago, he wasn't fishing as much because he loved it, and more time was being spent on business priorities. Gerald realized that he's always loved fishing, and that he wanted to make decisions that allowed him to "keep the passion". After putting some of these recommendations in place, Gerald didn't just get the passion back, he had a great season and secured a second AOY title. These suggestions about positive mental attitude will help you in your fishing and in life as a whole. This topic is so popular among our subscribers, Gerald has done two other full classes about the subject: Positive Mental Attitude & Positive Mental Attitude - 2017 AOY Edition. If you do your best and you finish middle of the pack, that's ok, but don't settle and don't quit.

Gerald Swindle Video Highlights

  • Gerald Swindle's "burned out" moment led to prioritizing business over fishing
  • Realization of the importance of maintaining passion for fishing
  • Implementation of recommendations resulted in renewed passion and a second AOY title
  • Positive mental attitude tips beneficial for fishing and life overall
  • Gerald Swindle's popularity evident in multiple additional classes on Positive Mental Attitude
  • Encouragement to strive for excellence without settling or quitting

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