Gerald Swindle believes in simple fishing techniques and he loves jig fishing. In this 56-minute bass fishing instructional video seminar, 2-time-Angler-of-the-Year Gerald Swindle (G-man) will tell you why he always has a ballhead jig tied on, and why he believes in it as much as any bait in the tackle box. Gerald shares about his simple size, color, rod and line selection process, which can help simplify the purchase and rigging decisions for beginners and pros. Gerald shares these secrets for bass fishing with jigs:

  • What knot is Gerald talking about? It's the double clinch knot. Watch Terry Scroggins demonstrate the double clinch knot
  • What jig is Gerald talking about in this video, and can I buy them? Yes, it's the Buckeye Lures G-Man Ballin' Out Jig
  • Why Gerald doesn't fish a jig on braid
  • What G-man thinks about weed guard design
  • Swindle's thoughts on flat eye jigs
  • How big of a hook do I really need?
  • What's the secret to getting the hook set and getting fish in the boat?
  • Fishing on a budget
  • Fishing your confidence and your strength
  • Does Gerald Swindle use rattles?
  • Pitching & flipping, right handed or left handed?

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ball head jigs basics for beginners colors gerald swindle gman jigs rods seminar

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