Pete Gluszek, also known as "The Dean," and Matt Lee, are out on the water at Toledo Bend, having a conversation about all things related to bass fishing.

They discuss the mental aspects of fishing, having confidence, and how Matt Lee's first season in the Bassmaster Elite Series has been going. Of course, they also managed to catch some impressive largemouth bass during their trip.

During their outing, The Dean demonstrates how to effectively catch largemouth bass in super heavy cover using light fishing line and finesse techniques. He explains why this approach can be essential during the spawning season.

Join Pete Gluszek and Matt Lee on the water with Bass University in this podcast-style fishing session!

Matt Lee & Pete Gluszek Bass Fishing Chapters

  • 0:07: Pete and Matt Talking Fishing
  • 8:45: Fishing Heavy Cover/Mental Side of Fishing 
  • 14:55: Finesse Fishing in Heavy Cover
  • 17:35: Being a Rookie on Elite Series
  • 25:55: Confidence
  • 30:10: Understanding Stages of Bass

Pete & Matt Answer These Bass Fishing Questions

  • How does Matt Lee describe his first season on the Bassmaster Elite Series?
  • How does Pete Gluszek effectively catch largemouth bass in super heavy cover, and what techniques does he use?
  • Why does The Dean emphasize the use of light fishing line and finesse techniques during the spawning season?

Related Bass Fishing Topics
cover finesse largemouth matt lee mental on the water pete gluszek remastered spawn

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