Versatility isn't just having every bait and tying on what's supposed to catch fish in that body of water. Like Matt Lee says, "You're probably going to do more casting than catching". There is a process to becoming versatile. You need to build confidence in new baits and techniques. If you've fished a long time, you probably already have confidence baits and techniques, and you should never forget those, because they catch fish. In this bass fishing class seminar video, learn how Matt Lee balances using his confidence baits and choosing the right time to build confidence in new lures or techniques.

  • 0:17 Versatility - A blessing & a curse
  • 1:59 Fishing is easy, but tournament adjustments are hard
  • 3:20 This is what being versatile looks like
  • 5:07 There's strength in your confidence technique
  • 8:32 Venturing out from your confidence techniques
  • 10:48 How your experiences affect what baits you choose
  • 14:16 Try something you haven't caught them on
  • 19:27 When to try new baits and techniques
  • 23:11 Is bass fishing just luck?
  • 27:02 Matt Lee's bass fishing confessions
  • 29:13 Versatility by seasons
  • 30:38 Commit to one bait to gain confidence in it?
  • 31:35 What's Matt Lee's strongest technique?
  • 33:13 How often do you switch baits when catching fish?
  • 34:43 Grass fisheries vs deep water hard cover

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