In this bass fishing seminar, which was recorded during the winter in Anderson, SC, The Bass University welcomes FLW champion Brian Latimer. Brian brings a winner's perspective to raising your fishing game to become a tournament pro, or to be the best you can be in other areas of life. No matter what you do, you'll eventually run into adversity, and how you meet that adversity will define whether you're successful. Brian Latimer encourages you not to get caught up in the finite negatives, but to focus on the positive big picture. You may not have the same opportunitities right now as some other guy coming up, but if you invest the time and effort, the opportunities will come. Learn how to position yourself for success in this 44-minute bass fishing class.

  • 2:11 Not getting the results you expect for the effort that you've put into preparing, studying and fishing
  • 3:42 Overcoming adversity, your mom and dad can't do it for you
  • 5:54 What does "Adversity is Dope" mean?
  • 11:47 See the big picture!
  • 14:34 If you're not willing to invest the time, you probably want to get a regular 9-to-5
  • 18:07 Protecting the gates to your mind
  • 35:40 Always find a way to win

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brian latimer mental open mind positive attitude success

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