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Bassmaster Elite Series angler Koby Krieger sits down with The Bass University's Pete Gluszek and Stray Casts's Pat Renwick in Birmingham, AL. Koby is an accomplished topwater angler, and he loves it so much he says he dreams about it at night and tries to invent new ways to catch bass on topwater lures.

  • 1:46 Koby Krieger loves fishing topwaters, and sometimes you want them to bite topwater so bad, you miss other opportunities.
  • 3:37 How Koby Krieger got started topwater fishing
  • 9:12 What's the deal with the Rebel Pop-R P70 and the Storm Arashi Cover Pop
  • 12:31 What topwaters to fish in very cold water
  • 16:38 Super Spook Jr. Walking Bait and when to fish it
  • 18:37 Tips for anglers that don't have confidence in fishing topwater lures
  • 22:05 Rod, reel, line and tackle for fishing the Pop-R P70 with the underhand roll cast

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interview koby krieger topwaters

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