Lee Livesay goes out on the water with The Bass University TV. Today's topic is topwater frog fishing. Lee will share information on all the tackle he uses, the areas he fishes and places that are often overlooked. Lee begins by talking about various shapes, sizes and colors of topwater frogs, primarily hollow-body frogs (including the popping style frogs). Additionally, he shares a some modification tips that make working your bait easier, getting better hookups and getting more bites. Livesay moves on to the rods, reels & line he uses for various situations and frog sizes. Lastly, Lee takes you out on the water to demonstrate fishing a few different areas of the lake, from backwaters with laydowns and overhangs to open water grass flats.

  • 0:21 What Lee Livesay will cover in this topwater frog fishing on-water training class
  • 1:04 When, where & why to throw a frog
  • 6:26 Retrieve & cadence for various times of the year
  • 10:20 Hollow body frog modifications that Lee Livesay uses on a Snag Proof Bobby's Perfect Frog
  • 17:05 Styles, sizes and colors of topwater frogs
  • 22:55 Rods, reel, line for fishing topwater frogs
  • 29:07 What lots of people think of when they think about frogging
  • 30:52 Lee Livesay talks about making the right cast and demonstrates fishing a topwater frog around cover
  • 34:04 An area that other anglers may not throw a frog
  • 36:10 Bass love shade and overhanging trees
  • 39:20 Skipping frogs - don't be afraid to get a little backlash to get it in the right spot
  • 40:20 Fishing grass mat flats with a topwater frog
  • 44:08 Working a topwater frog in the wind
  • 45:59 Areas in a grass mat to target with a frog

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frogs grass lee livesay modifications on the water tackle tips topwaters

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