Douglas Carnes : Fishing Forum Posts
Topic: Auto Inflate vest Saved My life Friday 3/29/2019 . WEAR ALL THE TIME DONT TAKE OFF PLEASE !
Yep Marsha I lost balance and fell Friday I hit the side of fish finder when I fell and injured my hip . Then into the lake I went the water was cold the boarding ladder on back of boat also saved my life please carry a throwable device also .
Dean Please remind every one to wear you vest kill switch . Change your co2 cartrige every year my vest only inflated halfway . I almost didn't make it , Thank You God for saving me. !!!!!!
Wear your Jacket dont take it off . It saved my life !
How about a class on Boat Safety . I know its boring but you guys can make it GREAT! How do you get back in a bass Boat When it is cold after you lost your balance and fell in ? Water Cold !
332 folks drowned in 2018 - 278 were not wearing life jacket . You need to be able to get back in your boat someway quick ! Be sure to carry a throwable device !
thank ya Man
johnson outdoors
Thanks folks need to understand that the vest have a experation date on bobbin .
332 drowned last year 84 % were not wearing life jacket !
We all know the drill wear it !
I fell in with trolling motor on autopilot in 54-degree water almost drown. My inflatable only inflated halfway and the wind was blowing I was in serious trouble can only dog paddle. God saved me is all I can say! I came up with an idea. I clamped a heavy-duty retractable 110 pounds rated 26-foot long dog leash under the front Triton TX19 pedestal seat. If I fall in now I have a lifeline. I put a 3-inch c clamp around my belt to make it quick and easy to clip on a dog leash you get it if I fall in I can pull myself back to the boat and use a boarding ladder to get back in the boat. This might save some lives fact 80 percent of people that drown in a boat don't have a life jacket on. I put my suspenders auto inflaton and never take them off , be sure to check the expiration date its on the yellow bobbin you unscrew cap bobbin is in side it, and the dates on it
make sure the rod has a lure hook on the rod some of them don't
Hey, Pros This may save your life clamp a heavy-duty retractable dog leash under the front pedestal seat that way if you fall in because most of you don't were your life jacket on the front deck it will be your LIFELINE to pull yourself back to the boat. I fell in and my autopilot was on bye-bye boat I almost drowned! What is there had been current and wind. The strongest leash I could find was a 110 pound rated and 26 feet long. we need one that is rated higher than this! Hey Bass university could market one I give this IDEA to BASS U. No conditions maybe it will save a life one day. Good luck
Hey how about some short safety tips along for us weekend guys you pros know so much more about water and driving boat and truck .
I got a new bag of gun powder just come in I be making some more new little copper swimbaits with a long waterproof fuse. When you see bass down there on your X-RAY and they won't hit you tie on one swing it back to your buddy and tell him to light it.
you just push the thumb release and let it free fall down to em. They may not bite but they will float up to ya and ya can net em. Take the ones that are not damaged too bad to scales to get your 10000 bucks .
I am working on a fish finder at my lake home that when you are running your fish finder and you see fish on a place. You can push a button on your fishfinder and it will take a split second Xray of the fish. Then the computer will match the bones to the type of fish it is. Bass, Crappie, whatever will work in saltwater also for all the different fish because their bones are different. The design is for sale for 12 million dollars . Thank You
80 percent of all boat drownings . No life jacket !
I have a question for maybe a pro can answer. My bass forecast said today was going to be tough it was right for me! The water temp surface was 54 to 56. The only fish I could find and I searched shallow also were over 60 feet of water this is my home lake. My question is the baitfish are very deep could there be a reason for that. I know shad start to spawn at 57 degrees at night . They only spawn at night
Pros I have a question, please? In the recent bass tournament. On Smith Lake Cullman Al, Tackle Warehouse , My question is was the slot limit on hold during the event could you weigh in the slot ? Thank You
sorry the slot on Smith in Ala is 13 to 15 inches !
Hey not trying to start an issue just need to know am I mainly wasting my time if I ask a pro a question. When you are in college the professor will try to answer or at least tell you to look somewhere .
when you feel the fish sweep set the hook when you feel him it's in his mouth or he is so little you don't need to catch the fish.
inside the jack plate
I have ask questions on this forum over some time now none have been answered so much for asking the pros ??
I mount mine inside the jack plate without drilling holes in the jack plate don't drill any holes in the jack plate! You can mount on the transom don't expect your unit to last over 3 years. It may help to put a clear plastic bag over it . I dont think its water proof
Is the Hydro Wave waterproof i can find where it says it is?