Bass Fishing Forcast Apple App
Douglas Carnes - senior
What apple app do you recomend for bass forcast on I phone please ? Thank You
March 27, 2019 11:58:30 AM
Don Slimmer - admin
Douglas. . . Sorry, I have no recommendation for a bass forecasting Iphone app. Maybe someone else will jump in the conversation with what wildlife predictor they use. I don't use forecasting/predictors for fishing or hunting. For me, I fish and hunt when I have the time regardless, so I have to make the best out of all wildlife conditions - good or bad.
March 31, 2019 04:05:42 PM
The Dean - professor
I use the Weather Channel app. for weather. I use NOAA for moon phase and tides. I don't use thier app, I just go to
April 3, 2019 02:17:55 PM
Douglas Carnes - senior
thank ya Man
April 4, 2019 10:25:01 PM