Recent MLF Summit Cup champion Mike Iaconelli was in Edison NJ this winter to talk about one of the key concepts he's used in several of his top-level bass fishing tournament wins, that concept is "fishing the moment". Mike believes that there are times when your instincts tell you to make changes and decisions that your mind my attempt to resist. Often it's easier to keep doing what you've been doing, particularly if you're not doing poorly, but there may be a better bait, pattern or location out there.

  • 3:30 What does fishing the moment mean? Getting over "what the bass should be doing" and keying in on "what the bass are doing"
  • 6:25 The Delaware River Bassmaster Elite Series win and how "fishing the moment" won out over fishing history
  • 7:14 How to "fish the moment". How to use history without letting history dictate your fishing day
    • 12:01 Fishihng lakes where you have history
    • 12:29 Fishing free and wide open
    • 18:03 Analyzing current conditions
    • 19:25 Top-to-bottom fishing approach
    • 21:15 Breaking down the water
    • 24:03 Let the fish tell you what to do - analyzing bites and no bites
    • 36:43 General rules for "fishing the moment" from Mike Iaconelli
    • 41:16 General rules for locations to target for bass
  • 54:39 Questions and answers with Mike Iaconelli
    • 55:06 How does retread Fred behave after being released from a tournament weigh-in?
    • 56:51 Is there ever too much bait in an area?
    • 59:02 When to stay and when to leave an area
    • 1:04:32 Targeting certain species when you are going to lakes you don't know much about

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