Ask the Pros : Fishing Discussion Threads

Topic# of Posts
What color swimjig/bladed jig on a shad lake under cloudy conditions?4
Bed Fishing Clear Water Bass2
Dark but clear water2
332 drowned last year 84 % wear not wearing Life jacket !2
Bigger Fish2
JT’s prop bait video3
F-1 Tiger Bass2
As far as fishing 4
My question is Apple app for Weighing Fish2
Medium action rod2
My question is Apple app for Weighing Fish1
Reservior Spotted Bass3
What spinning combo is best for Finesse fishing5
O-rings 3
Tokyo Rig2
northern bass seasonal patterns3
Fluoro keeps breaking at knot3
Winter- water temp or water clarity4
Contour Lines- Winter and Summer2
Silted oxbows connected to rivers with gradual depth changes2
Line and rods vs applications 5
Submerged brush piles and standing timber 5
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