
I was listening to a podcast on the way home from work and I think I heard someone talking about how they swap out the O - rings on Crankbaits with braided line. If I heard it correctly, what are the pros and cons to doing this to my baits.

February 23, 2019 03:44:42 AM
The Dean - professor

You heard correctly Kenny. Seth Feider swaps out his split ring on his blade baits and crankbaits with braided line. This give the hook better rotation and more consistent hookups. If you are loosing fish cranking this is a solution to help. The main con I can see is the time it takes to remove the split rings and tie the the loop knot. I good winter time project. Another problem I can foresee is changing out the hooks when a point gets dull. I have not used this yet, but plan to this year. Especially with blade baits and lip-less cranks. I tend to loose more fish with these baits than any other and I think this can help.

February 26, 2019 05:20:43 AM

Thank you sir. I’m definitely gunna give it a try then.

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