What spinning combo is best for Finesse fishing
I am building my arsenal up again from being away from bass fishing and i am just not that familar with spinning combos. What reel and action Rod combo is the best for shallow and deep water fishing.
This is the rod I recommend. It's a great all around spinning rod that will help you accomplish a lot in shallow and deep water. https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=c1UQEdGla5o&mid=38416&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tackledirect.com%2Fcashion-icon-spinning-rods.html - Cashion Model iAP7MFS.
This is the reel that I'm using - https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=c1UQEdGla5o&mid=38416&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tackledirect.com%2Fshimano-stradic-fl-spinning-reels.html. Size - 3000. Shimano has lots of lower priced options in the same size.
thank u so much
what action rod do u suggest
This above Cashion rod is a medium action. Depending on the brand you choose. Medium or medium/heavy is right action for most applications.