Are you a co-angler (aka non-boater) who is considering making the jump to the boater side? While fishing out of the back of someone else’s boat can be frustrating at times, it’s important to make sure you’re prepared before taking that next step.

In this seminar, former co-angler and current Bassmaster Elite Series pro Jay Przekurat discuss how he made the leap and offers his insight on how other anglers can do the same. One thing that Przekurat stresses is that it’s important to find success on the co-angler side before making taking that next step in your career.

When it comes to being a successful co-angler, preparation makes all the difference. In many cases, co-anglers aren’t able to practice on the body of water they’ll be competing on, and even if they do, it’s uncommon for them to fish the same areas of the lake. Things such as map study, researching the body of water on YouTube, looking at prior tournament results - all of these can help you slim down your gear selection, which is incredibly important when you can’t bring an entire boat with you for storage.

Przekurat also offers insights on how co-anglers can effectively fish behind boaters that are intentionally or unintentionally putting them in difficult positions to fish. When it comes to making the jump to the boater side, Przekurat emphasizes the importance of preparing in a different way. While fishing out of your own boat, you have the ability to fish any part of the lake you want, which is a luxury co-anglers don’t have. This means more time goes into studying the entire lake and putting together a tournament plan during your practice time.

Przekurat says learning how to practice for a tournament makes an incredible difference once you’re fishing out of the front of the boat. He discusses all of these things and more, including how to pick the right baits as a co-angler, the differences in practicing for boaters and co-anglers, steps you should take to transition from one to the other, and much more.

Przekurat Co-Angler to Professional Tournament Angler Chapters

  • 3:25 How To Limit Your Gear As A Co-Angler
  • 5:45 How To Prepare Your Tackle As Co-Angler
  • 8:30 Learning About Technology From Your Boater
  • 13:30 Learning New Bodies Of Water
  • 16:30 Map Study
  • 19:30 Przekurat's Experience As A Co-Angler
  • 25:20 Transitioning From Co-Angler To Boater
  • 30:00 How To Break Down Lakes As A Boater
  • 33:10 Benefits Of Learning From YouTube
  • 36:05 Importance Of Establish A Tournament Plan
  • 38:10 Keys To Being Versatile As An Angler
  • 39:30 Targeting Offshore Structure As A Co-Angler
  • 42:40 How To Practice As A Co-Angler Vs. Boater
  • 44:35 How To Pick Your Lineup As Co-Angler

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bait selection co-angler jay przekurat offshore practice preparation professional fishing success tournaments

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