Clyde : Fishing Forum Posts

My PB was on a Ugly Stick using a Zara Spook, looking to break that PB in 2020.

November 24, 2019 05:15:37 PM
Clyde - graduate
Topic: Liquid mayhem

Here's my thought. From the time you get up till the time your doing your first cast. Your touching things, and if your stopping off at the store to grab some coffee or snacks your touching what someone else touched. Oils, scents, everything the body excretes you've now on your hands. Now toss in helping to put the boat in the water, and handling rods, and lures, and plastic baits and you've got some weird smells and taste left on what is gonna drop in the water. Foreign smell to the environment and most times not a good one, its a predatory world under the water. Like Paul said I used Anise years ago for the same reason, my only jibe at scents is that when you use the oil based ones it looks like an oil spill occurred when you put it in the water. Liquid Mayhem is gooey and sticks to the lure pretty good and even after quite a few casts you can still feel it on there.

December 1, 2019 06:41:26 PM

I am looking for suggestions on high-pressure reservoirs. Let me set the view of this reservoir, as everything about it screams a great spot. There are grass and lily pads from the boat ramp looking directly across at the 12 o'clock position during the spring /summer time frame. It runs from 18 to 4 feet in depth and shallower and has an excellent bluegill population. There are standing, and submerged timber on the ramp's far-right to make you think you are fishing Rodman Reservoir in North FL. Depth at this location ranges from 4-16 feet with an occasional hole at 20 ft. With some good-sized patches of milfoil, lily pads, soft gravel, and timber, the further you push back. Far-left of the ramp is a stone wall that tapers into the water a good 3 ft with a sharp drop from 5-24 ft as it is near the dam's mouth.
Every summer, they fertilize the reservoir to increase productivity, and it has produced some trophy fish up to 13 pounds. Like I said previously, lots of Bluegill, and there are channel cats here as well, but man, I can't figure it out for the life of me. I have thrown; soft plastic rigged Texas, Carolina, Tokyo, finesse. I have thrown crankbaits, deep divers, swimbaits, jerk baits, and underspin. Thrown spinnerbaits with willow, Colorado, and even the old shoestring Dubois spinners and nothing. I have matched the hatch and used many colors that generally catch in this and surrounding areas. This location is the one place that skunks me every time I go, and it's driving me batty.

December 24, 2020 01:47:14 PM
Clyde - graduate
Topic: Polarized sunglasses

Take a look at Amphibia Eye gear( for RX . Full spectrum UV coverage (A/B/C), nice fit and as mentioned previously - They Float!

December 24, 2020 09:21:37 PM

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

December 24, 2020 09:31:02 PM

Gents, thanks for the feed back.

December 29, 2020 09:58:34 PM

If your trying to stay on a budget look into some of the Military surplus stores, you’ll find Gortex bottoms and tops at a fairly reasonable price. For cold days layer up , and include a Woolly Pulley. If the Gortex is a bit old you can go to most sporting good stores and find some water proofing sprays for athletic clothes or tents and do a touch up. You can find Gortex socks as well unless your boots are waterproof. Hope that helps.

May 10, 2021 05:58:25 AM

If your trying to stay on a budget look into some of the Military surplus stores, you’ll find Gortex bottoms and tops at a fairly reasonable price. For cold days layer up , and include a Woolly Pulley. If the Gortex is a bit old you can go to most sporting good stores and find some water proofing sprays for athletic clothes or tents and do a touch up. You can find Gortex socks as well unless your boots are waterproof. Hope that helps.

May 10, 2021 08:12:34 AM

Got a chance to fish Smith Mountain Lake (SML) in Va, nice place but being I'm used to fishing in FL it's going to take some getting used to. Lots of docks at SML and lots of ledges, and rocks with drop off's but with the cold weather here in VA, bass are in the winter hangouts and some of those locations are deep! Well deeper then what I'm used to fishing at least. Okeechobee has the Monkey Box, Rodman has the Money Hole, is there something similar at SML?
Had no idea what fizzing a fish is all about, so to the Dean or others doing admin on the boards here; can there be a short video highlighting various tools, with demonstrations of these tools on the proper way to fizz without causing injury to the catch?

January 8, 2022 11:26:47 AM
Clyde - graduate
Topic: Winter Gloves

Thought I'd share my thoughts on glove selection with you. When selecting a glove, I like to look at what my main purpose for the glove is and prioritize mission needs. Example would be Waterproof, Windproof, and Dexterity pretty much in that order.
Places I like to search online are those that have heavy outdoor emphasis, places that deal with Camping, or skiing. Gloves used in camping have to be strong along the seams to handle the working part of camping, but able to keep hands warm without getting wet and causing discomfort in the cold.
Skiing deals mostly with using ski poles and carrying the ski set, but with the amount of wind generated going down the slopes you want to have nice toasty hands.
Check out REI for outdoor gloves, look at Gortex or Thinsulate. Hope that helps out.

January 22, 2022 11:36:26 AM

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