Liquid mayhem

BassSniper1 - doctor

Would people recommend putting the shad sent on baits in places that don’t have shad mostly bluegill?

April 16, 2019 12:04:33 PM
The Dean - professor

Yes I would. Any scent is better than none and the shad scent is a good one.

April 25, 2019 09:57:22 AM

Honestly I've used it a lot but it doesn't seem to make a difference IMO. I get the same result.

May 28, 2019 01:21:18 AM
Jason Admin - admin

I have never used Liquid Mayhem, but I've used other scents and think they make the most difference with getting bites and fish holding onto the bait longer using finesse technique and slow techniques like soaking a jig. I think something that smells edible by any bass (even if they've never smelled it) is better than nothing. I mean, I remember the first time I smelled pecan pie. I'd never had it, but I surely was interested in trying it.

May 28, 2019 10:55:07 AM
Paul Huston - doctor

Believe a scent is better then not using them, Been using different scents going on 50 years, used to mix anise oil with strawberry food flavorings thanks to manns jelly worms

June 29, 2019 01:01:13 PM
Clyde - graduate

Here's my thought. From the time you get up till the time your doing your first cast. Your touching things, and if your stopping off at the store to grab some coffee or snacks your touching what someone else touched. Oils, scents, everything the body excretes you've now on your hands. Now toss in helping to put the boat in the water, and handling rods, and lures, and plastic baits and you've got some weird smells and taste left on what is gonna drop in the water. Foreign smell to the environment and most times not a good one, its a predatory world under the water. Like Paul said I used Anise years ago for the same reason, my only jibe at scents is that when you use the oil based ones it looks like an oil spill occurred when you put it in the water. Liquid Mayhem is gooey and sticks to the lure pretty good and even after quite a few casts you can still feel it on there.

December 1, 2019 06:41:26 PM
Jondoe67 - graduate

Ive never been against scent...
always sceptical on garlic... Did not want to catch a carp or catfish lol

However i mostly used product called Bang... In crawfish or Shad.
Somehow lost track of it not seen on shelves in while..... So it became out of sight out of mind.

Recently tried rejuvenate some dry worms i poured olive oil and old coffee grounds in ziplock ... Bam i was shocked how fast almost lost a rod.

I always looked at the Bang product... I over saturated my baits and see oil slick... It was like my own little hyrdawave to turn an area on.... Mainly when fishing slick calm conditions

May 30, 2020 07:24:08 PM

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