Speed snaps for changing crankbaits

SAshmore39 - doctor

I just bought some Norman snaps and was wondering how long can one hold up before you need to do a direct line tie? I’m a power fisherman and Getting tired of wasting my line and money retying when I make a change to a crankbait.

February 26, 2020 04:21:52 AM
kjack_74 - doctor

I haven't used Normans snaps but if you get good quality snaps I think they hold up pretty well some folks only use them on smaller cranks but other folks (and I fall into this camp excluding massive 10XD sizes) use them for every size I also think besides the ease of use they give you they let you crankbait have full range of motion this is particularly noticeable in the smaller sizes where I think the split rings that they come with or a direct line tie limit their movement. So in summary, I haven't really had a failure.

February 26, 2020 08:10:49 AM
PatinParkton - doctor

I used the Norman snaps the last few years, only minor issue was getting them on and off. Using Tactical Angler snaps this year. I also remove the o-ring when using a snap. Sometimes I will tie a loop knot instead of using a snap if I want a more finesse approach.

February 26, 2020 09:39:41 AM
Jason Admin - admin

I prefer the snaps (like the previous poster, I've not used Norman's specifically), but I dislike round split rings. Eventually the knot finds it's way into the split in the ring. The oval split rings that they put on some Rat-L-Traps are much better, but the snaps are faster and don't have the potential to fray your line as much, in my opinion. I use the old split rings to make my own tokyo rigs, I also add a barrel swivel, which is what I tie my line to.

February 26, 2020 09:40:45 AM
The Dean - professor

I am a snap guy. I love the versatility that snaps offer when I'm cranking. I can change colors and vibrations whenever I want, super fast. I will say this-If you are bending open a snap multiple times, I will change it. At practice, I'll keep the snap-on even if its been worn out. In a tournament, I change often.

March 27, 2020 01:18:31 PM
Jondoe67 - graduate

I love snaps never had failure im aware of. I like the Norman ones for ease of use. Like the shape of the vmc ones.

May 30, 2020 07:59:24 PM

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