Dropshot knot question - re: Brian Schmitt video "Dropshotting for Bass in Grass - Tips and Techniques"

FearTheFrog - graduate

I have always used a Palomar knot when tying on the hook for a dropshot - but in the video it appears that Brian is using a Loop knot - which would make for an interesting presentation. Has anyone else used a loop knot for the hook tie on this presentation? Or did I not see the knot correctly?

July 18, 2023 12:18:02 PM
Jason Admin - admin

With baits that float, this would probably work well, the reason I use the palomar knot is that, when you drop the tag line back through the eye, it will hold the hook our, thusly holding the bait out in a natural position. On a loop knot, with a regular sinking bait, the bait will likely go into a tail-down position rather quickly. In Schmitt's on water class, he specifies that he's using palomar knot with the tag end back through the eye ( around 13:30 in https://bassu.tv/bass-fishing-video/dropshotting-for-bass-in-grass-tips-and-techniques-bryan-schmitt )

August 18, 2023 03:35:16 PM

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