Favorite videos

ZamBam44 - graduate

Is there a way to create a playlist of videos you have watched and liked? I watch a lot of videos and forget where I saw something. It would be cool to add videos to your playlist so you can come back to reference them.


February 19, 2021 09:19:43 PM
Jason Admin - admin

We've talked about additional features for watch history and watch lists. We'll note your request for this feature in our future development discussions.

March 16, 2021 11:04:46 AM
ClubCool - freshman

I would also like a way to tag or list videos. If I don’t watch the whole video, and get logged off, I find it hard to go back an locate it. I might be missing something?

November 14, 2021 10:15:42 PM
Jason Admin - admin

If you navigate away from the video where you left off, it should keep track of where you are. Your progress in a video is recorded when you navigate away from the video. If you just close the browser or app, this event may not fire, so I recommend going back to the home screen or homepage when you are part way through a video you intend to come back and watch. I hope this helps.

November 15, 2021 02:12:54 PM

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