Favorite videos
Is there a way to create a playlist of videos you have watched and liked? I watch a lot of videos and forget where I saw something. It would be cool to add videos to your playlist so you can come back to reference them.
We've talked about additional features for watch history and watch lists. We'll note your request for this feature in our future development discussions.
I would also like a way to tag or list videos. If I don’t watch the whole video, and get logged off, I find it hard to go back an locate it. I might be missing something?
If you navigate away from the video where you left off, it should keep track of where you are. Your progress in a video is recorded when you navigate away from the video. If you just close the browser or app, this event may not fire, so I recommend going back to the home screen or homepage when you are part way through a video you intend to come back and watch. I hope this helps.