Lake chickamauga
Cody chambers - freshman
Hey my name is Cody chambers I fish lake chickamauga a lot every chance I can get really and I have thought about trying out some big baits like the megadraft but kinda uncertain not sure if anyone fishes big baits there or not do y’all have any tips?
January 12, 2021 09:55:37 PM
The Dean - professor
Hi Cody,
Big swimbaits definitely have a place at Chickamauga. Watch the two episodes below and get the scoop on how Westly Strader and guide Billy Joe Wheat fish the lake. Billy Wheat is well known for using big swimbaits to help his clients catch the big ones.
January 13, 2021 05:29:34 PM
Cody chambers - freshman
Thank you I really appreciate it can never learn enough
January 13, 2021 10:13:20 PM