Potomac River
Steve Watson - graduate
Any videos in the library that would be key to reference for fishing tidal Potomac River during summer months. The who/what/where/when.....thanks.
July 3, 2020 09:52:19 AM
Jason Admin - admin
I've fished as a non-boater in some tournaments on the Potomac in the summer with some guys who did well and most were fishing grass. One of the guys that usually did well when I was up there was JT Kenney, I'd check this seminar out.
July 6, 2020 12:52:41 PM
Jason Admin - admin
Pete also covers the Potomac as part of this seminar https://bassu.tv/bass-fishing-video/my-best-bass-fishing-tactics-and-techniques-pete-gluszek
July 6, 2020 12:54:14 PM