Are you throwing a weightless Senko?
Anybody else always have a weightless texas rigged senko tied on no matter the time of year or pattern? I find myself throwing it more and more every time i go fishing , im up in canada and it seems to work no matter what.
I love that technique. It can work in almost every condition. I feel like the absolute best condition for the senko is around the spawn and post spawn. I will use it all year long , but this is the time when it is the best lure in your tackle box.
Hey Pete what is your setup for a weightless Senko?
Its an amazing bait prolly go in hall of fame if they have one.
I did my best for years to not use one even after knowing first hand.
This year picked it back up and smash em. But given the chance if i could find the original Berkley Power Slug id trade for it in a minute
Definitely dude, I keep it tied on year round like Pete said especially around the spawn but honestly just as the ULTIMATE follow up bait to missed fish. If I’m following up with it for top water it’s weightless, wacky or Texas depending on cover. If I’m following up with other lures then I’ll have it rigged neko style.
Rigging depends on cover, if I’m off the bank I have it rigged on my Dobyns drops hot rod, 10# braid to an 8# fluoro leader; if I’m up on the bank around thicker stuff I’ll have it rigged on an all purpose medium heavy casting setup with 30# braid to a 15# fluoro leader