basscfo : Fishing Forum Posts
The most simple to tie knot that has near 100% base line strength with fluorocarbon is shown in the Jacob Proznick wacky worm video on BU. You double your line, go through the eye of the hook and create a 10 inch doubled line section. Place the hook in the middle of this double line section and tie a 4 wrap clinch knot( not improved) with the doubled line, Wet the line before cinching it down. You will have a single line tag and a double or loop tag when you are done. Clip the tags and you are good to go. I have used this knot for 10 or 12 years with Fluors from 6 to 25 lb with no problems. It cured my fluoro issue that I was having using the palomar knot. Not sure what the name of the knot is but it is basically a 4 wrap clinch knot using doubled line. Someone showed this knot to me. Other than the Ja Proz video, I have never seen a demonstration , video, or picture of how to tie it but I am sure more are using it.