Marty : Fishing Forum Posts
I was fishing today and I saw A small group of shad swimming in a circle I saw it a few times throughout the day can anyone tell me what that means ?
I have a boo rig made by booyah it is a jig head that come out to a wire leader with a snap swivel for a hood it has 4 willow leaf blades, that are about 1.5 inches from the jig head it is a great bait but the line keeps getting caught around one of the blades in the cast so what I decided to try was to use a small 5 inch heat shrink on the line I tried it out this morning and it worked great.
Ok yes that makes sence. I have never noticed such a small group doing this. There were dozens of big clouds of shad then those few small groups and the bass were having a field day !!!!
Thank you for your reply.
I am working on getting back into tournament fishing I am finally in a time in my life I can dedicate the time necessary to do this my question is I am 55 years old in good shape do you think I am to old to keep moving up in the tournament trail?
Thank you for that I hope to start fishing tournaments soon I am on the water every chance I get to get back to catching instead of fishing Ha Ha