I am working on getting back into tournament fishing I am finally in a time in my life I can dedicate the time necessary to do this my question is I am 55 years old in good shape do you think I am to old to keep moving up in the tournament trail?
Rick Clunn has shown us that age isn't a barrier in this sport. He has won Elite tournaments at 69 and again at 71. The quote from him that I like the best is, "Never accept that your best accomplishments are behind you." Not sure if that's the exact quote, but it was something close to that. Larry Nixon and Denny Brauer continued to win through their 50's and Kevin Vandam is winning at 50 and 51.
I turn 52 next month. I am not in the best shape of my life and I struggle to get myself back to peak physically. It hurts me in my ability to practice and prepare for tournament like I want to. Being in great shape is really going to help you.
So my answer to the question is NO! You are not too old to pursue the thing you love. I wish you the best of luck on your tournament fishing and hope you keep us posted on your progress.
Thank you for that I hope to start fishing tournaments soon I am on the water every chance I get to get back to catching instead of fishing Ha Ha