Ever caught a piink bass?

Dave G - freshman

This really happened....yesterday, we were fishing at New Bullard's Bar Reservoir, in search of their famously large spotted bass. We didn't get into any of those....but we did have very small (10") bass hit a spoon at about 70 feet deep. We were shocked to find the entire top half of the bass was pink. I've never seen or heard of anything like it. Wish I could post the picture we took, but it truly was pink. Anyone seen anything like that?

January 23, 2023 04:57:03 PM
Jason Admin - admin

Bass can have a genetic mutation can cause a bass to have pink or albino coloration. Also stress or injury can result in a pinkish hue. I've never pulled a bass up from 70ft. I wonder if that had something to go with it. I've caught them over 100+ft of water, but they were only about 20ft below the surface at the time. The deepest I've caught a bass on the bottom is about 45 ft.

April 19, 2023 01:25:40 PM

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