
Mschram122 - graduate

Could somebody give me some information on where they're getting their homework info from for lakes. Such as water temp, and where to find past tournament informtion.

March 5, 2022 12:56:45 PM
The Dean - professor

Great question. I track Bassmaster.com tournament results and https://majorleaguefishing.com/results/. I review the tournament reports from each tournament and pic up water temps, lures, patterns, and anything else I can find. I find tournament results to be the most valuable information to work with. The guys are so excited when they win the tournament, they usually give up the goods. These are a great place to start. Dam websites also are a good source for flow and water temps. Good luck.

April 26, 2022 04:20:58 PM
kjack_74 - doctor

Not a pro but I second the Dam websites, lots of good info there sometimes it takes a little digging but it's usually there, ramps that are in the water, flow rates, historic flow data, current storage info, water temps, etc. Just a heads up the dam water temp will be the colder than a lot of the rest of the lake, but it is a starting point for getting you thinking before you go for sure (at least that's how it works out west).

December 22, 2022 10:05:51 AM
The Dean - professor

kjack_74, That's a great observation about the Dam Water Temp readings being a bit lower than the rest of the lake. I guess that's because the lower end of the lake is usually the last to warm up, or maybe the temps are measured deeper than the surface temps our boats read. Either way, I think you are dead right on that one.

December 22, 2022 10:14:07 AM
Charlie - junior

Check out an app called lake monster.

January 20, 2023 12:20:09 AM

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