Night fishing color choice
I'm hoping to spend more time on the water at night next season. I've read that black colored lures perform best. Is that the case? Also many of them have a mat finish, Do you recommend that over a gloss finish? Further, is black your primary color or do you prefer others? thanks.
The fish see better at night than we see during the day.
I fish almost entirely at night due to my work schedule.
Color is not entirely that important for night fishing from my personal experience. Instead of thinking in terms of Night vs. Day, think about in terms of how much moon light you have or don't have. Thats where I've seen color make a difference. Black is considered a good color at night because it showcases the silhouette of the bait better, but this can be achieved with any solid-colored bait. I've done well on all chartreuse, all pink and bone at night. As far as the difference between a glossed black vs a mat black, I prefer the mat black for daytime for many techniques.
Dock lights attract all kinds of things at night, they're a great place to fish and can open up your tackle box to some of your traditional baitfish baits. When I fished night tournaments, I've fished brush piles and rocky points with crankbaits quite a bit. On some occasions it didn't matter what color we threw, and we intentionally threw whatever model they were biting in colors we had been unsuccessful with, in case we lost the lure. Some lures I fish almost exclusively black anyway, like buzzbaits. I had a lot of success at night with buzzbaits, but no idea if black mattered, that's just what I was throwing anyway.