Tournament Strategy with No practice

Nick T - graduate

Hey guys,
I have an electric only tournament coming up next Saturday here in Virginia at a Reservoir, unfortunately cause my work I won’t be able to prefish at all. Because it’s an E series, it’s hard to cover water come tournament day. I have no idea water temp, but would guess between 80-90. Deepest part of the res is 30 ft, but I’ve done my best there way back in the back in 2-5 ft around cypress trees and shallow grass where there is a feeder creek. I know this time of year a lot of tournaments here are won in the 8-16ft range, but have also seen them won way back in the shallows. Should I gamble and drain my battery running all the way to the back even though the waters still warm, or should I try to gamble in the deeper cooler water where I don’t have as much confidence? Hydrilla is thick everywhere, and decent shoreline structure everywhere as well.
Any strategy suggestions?

August 14, 2021 10:06:32 AM
SAshmore39 - doctor

I would do what I feel most confident doing, in your case, fishing shallow. I’ve been catching fish shallow on West Point in 80+ degree water cranking points and only going out deep when I know there’s a high percentage area nearby. Don’t get too caught up doing something you’re not comfortable doing tournament day, it sometimes can help you fish with an open mind and figure out the pattern as the day progresses.

August 23, 2021 12:18:03 PM

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