Casting distance for kids

Joshua Massoud - graduate

My daughter likes to go fishing with me. Our lake is relatively clear water, so you we can't be right on top of the bass. She's still learning to use a baitcaster, and it is going to take some time.

I have her on a spinning rod sized appropriately to her with 8lb mono and one with flouro. I really think she'd benefit from some extra casting distance.

She's 11 - anyone have some tips to help her improve her casting distance - different setup/drills, etc? I've considered switching her over to crappie fishing till she gets a bit older (ample populations of both where we fish).

December 30, 2020 02:46:45 PM
The Dean - professor

It's awesome that you have introduced her to fishing. Congrats Dad!!! My best advice to help her with some casting distance is to switch her to 8# braid as the mainline on her spinning reels. Tie a short leader so she doesn't have to deal with the leader knot in the rod guides. The braid will double her casting distance.

Have her practice at home on the baitcasting gear. That will take some time. go heavy on the spool control and magnets too. Put a heavy jig on the line - 1/2 ounce. Give her some targets and let her go. It takes about 10k casts to get good. I would save this until she is really into fishing.

January 13, 2021 07:25:11 PM
Joshua Massoud - graduate

Appreciate the information - thank you sir!

January 13, 2021 07:38:11 PM

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