Red Hooks

Paul F - junior

Red hooks on the front treble and using red hooks in general.

December 25, 2020 04:44:45 PM
Jason Admin - admin

This is a case where we don't have a specific video or instructor that dives into this topic thoroughly. I would say that, having watched our library of videos, the consensus among pros is that they rarely use red hooks, but a handful say they don't use them at all. This will ultimately be personal preference and partially what you believe the hook is doing. Can bass even see that bright red color? Research seems to indicate that bass can only see a certain spectrum of colors well. Does it look natural or is the red hook intended to make the lure look injured/bleeding? Are the best (sharpest) hooks in the bend you want even available in red?

December 29, 2020 11:20:57 AM
Paul F - junior

Thank you for the reply. I noticed that Epic Eric had a red treble on the front of most of his cranks in the seminar with Lee Sisson. I’d love to hear his thoughts on this mod.

December 29, 2020 05:42:28 PM

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