scott - graduate
how important is it to use flouro leaders with braided line I mostly fish stained or murky water
July 30, 2020 07:03:24 PM
Jason Admin - admin
It serves a few purposes. Certainly in clear water, it gives you the advantage of fluoro clarity, but some less-considered facts. With baits that you want to sink quickly, fluoro sinks and braid floats, so it can have considerable effect on rate of fall for some techniques. I actually use bright yellow braid to fluoro for this reason. When I fish Ned rigs, for instance, I let a coil or 2 of braid sit on the water, and if it stops sinking before it should I know I have a bite (which is often). Additionally, some anglers use the fluoro/mono as a shock absorber, as they both have more stretch than no stretch braid.
July 31, 2020 11:24:57 AM