subtitles for the videos

Chema - freshman

Hello everybody

I´d like to know it it´s possible to get subtitles for the videos because I need them for understanding properly the vido. Please if it is possible let me know how to do it.

Thanks your very much.

April 14, 2020 07:59:48 AM
Jason Admin - admin

We have looked into this but the services that do this usually charge by the minute to subtitle video and we can't currently justify the cost. We have tried automated services, but, along with not being very accurate to begin with, all the "fishing terms" are wrong which makes it very confusing to read, and a lot of our videos are "fishing terms". We do have several hearing impaired students that we would love to provide this service for, but with such a large library of existing videos, it would be a very big project, as it clearly needs to be done 1 video at a time by a person.

April 14, 2020 10:51:49 AM
JOKER - junior

Hello, Jason
I am watching sample video with subtitles, after then I brought membership for one year.
Now, I found all video actually without any subtitles, It is kind of disappointment. It is possible add automated services, like YouTube, even it is not accuracy, but that function really can help people, second language is English.

September 8, 2020 04:58:51 AM
Jason Admin - admin

This is really something out of our control. Our preview videos are hosted on Youtube so that a large audience can see our preview clips. It is a great thing that they transcribe videos automatically, but our video hosting service for our paid subscription does not have this feature. We have no automated means to do this, and setting up time keys for manual CC is a massive undertaking. We hope you are still enjoying your membership. One suggestion I would make is to slow down the video using the time controls (either with the gear icon in the bottom right, or the buttons below the video).

September 8, 2020 09:34:55 AM

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