Multi day tournament

Ashley - freshman

So with a multi day tournament, most people practice 2-3 days leading up. So what is your take on if you find fish say on Monday do you go back and check on them through the week to make sure they are still there or just have faith they will be there come Thursday or whenever the derby starts.

July 19, 2019 09:04:04 AM
Jason Admin - admin

I think it depends on if conditions change. The most important thing would be to have a backup plan, no matter what. The food source might move, light penetration may be different on tournament morning than when you caught them at noon in practice, wind, water clarity, water temp, etc. might all be different. I think a prevailing thought among top anglers is that offshore fish are more reliable.

August 14, 2019 10:14:00 AM
The Dean - professor

Great question Ashley. Multi day tournaments are very challenging to prepare for. A lot of things need to be taken into account. If conditions remain stable, its likely that the fish you find on Monday will be available on Thursday. If there has been a change in conditions Monday's patters are likely to change dramatically. I will also caution you that fish don't do the same thing for very long. So even if conditions remain stable, its likely that the fish will have made some kind of change. I always try to predict where the fish may go if things change-Deeper, shallower or change from moving baits to flipping baits. The patterns you find on Tuesday and Wednesday are more important than those you found on Monday.

August 27, 2019 06:33:29 PM

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