
Josh Glenn - senior

what is the best brand of braid for froggin?

May 23, 2019 04:47:54 PM
Paul Huston - doctor

sufix 832, good braid, good price, you buy it here.

June 29, 2019 01:03:32 PM
Derek - graduate

Can’t go wrong with 50lb. power pro in moss green color.

July 4, 2019 10:20:21 PM

I use 65lb Cortland Masterbraid. Made in America.

July 15, 2019 04:44:59 PM

Sufix 832 is my go to as well, pound of line depends on how heavy the cover is your throwing your frog. Where i go i can get away with 20-30lb. Never broke off but we dont have a high a chance of a fish much bigger than 6lbs in Ontario

July 19, 2019 06:52:00 AM
CajunDuck3 - graduate

In the past couple of months I have switched to Viscous No Fade braid and have had great success.....great line and it truly hasn't faded any since spooling my reels...very durable, cuts the pads and grass great, and seems a little smaller in diameter....great product!!!

August 27, 2019 04:56:15 PM
Ajredd23 - graduate

suffix 832

January 24, 2022 08:53:36 PM
Tim Lawrence - junior

I’ve used Sufix 832 in both 50 and 65lb braid depending on what kind of cover and how big a frog I’m slinging.

February 23, 2022 04:40:37 PM

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