Bed Fishing Clear Water Bass

SAshmore39 - doctor

So I’ve got a tournament coming up on the 20th and after pre-fishing and catching some fish in the clear water, I’ve been able to actually see the beds and the bass in about 5-7 ft visibly. I have tried throwing past the bed with a creature bait on a swing head jig but it seems to spook them and they never commit. I’ve always known how bass will attack nest raiders during the spawn but it seems way tougher when I’m trying to make them mad in the clearer water.

March 31, 2019 06:49:28 PM
The Dean - professor

Small creature baits and drop shots are the best baits to start bed fishing. A weightless stick bait (Senko) is also high on the list. Elite rookie Greg Diplama and I discuss this exact thing at the end of the last live show. Listen in.

April 3, 2019 02:41:52 PM

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