OkiePapist : Fishing Forum Posts
I like everyone else above a certain age grew up fishing mono. I left the sport in the 90s and have just gotten back into it this year. I started with mono because that is what I knew. As I started learning more I heard about braid and flouro. I have tried straight braid, straight flouro, and every other combo. I have settled on my mainline being braid and tying on either flouro or mono leader. I'm likely to mostly use mono once I run out of flouro. I can't justify the cost of flouro over mono when in my fishing I've seen little to no difference. I would echo all of the positives of braid everyone else mentioned. The more I use it, the more I refer to flouro as Satan's Butt Hair. It is a constant pain the the butt.
Mono is not dead, mono is making a comeback.
Lews LFS is a great one. I have hands on experience with the Piscifun Alloy M and it is very solid. They're $89 normally but on sale you can find them less than 70. It casts really well. Aluminium frame. Easy to dial in. Been a rock solid cranking reel for me.
For that discount I might have to take a look.
@RichK - this is due to there not being enough tension on the braid when it is put on the spool. I had that same problem, then when I spooled it up with a ton of tension on the line, I've not had that problem since and I am casting weightless Senkos and Flukes.
Thomas, that is great info, and nothing beat decades of experience. Fluoro sinks, is less visible than mono, but my experience with it is the same as yours. The only lures I have lost during a cast were on fluoro leaders, never happened on mono leaders. That said, I have bent out more than a few hooks on my 40# braid to 20# fluoro leaders setup. I have a bunch of 20# fluoro that I will use up as leader material, but after that I will likely stick to mono for leaders. For finesse setups on spinning or BFS, I'm running braid to mono leaders in the 6-8# range and nary a problem.