AndrewS : Fishing Forum Posts

Just wanted to give you guys heads up about the BPS debacle on Lake Mead. After a delay because of high winds, they ended up sending out 250 boats in a SHOTGUN START this morning in 20-25 mph winds. Apparently it was a giant, dangerous, $h!t show. 2-3 boats capsized or sank... they called them back in at 9am. Whole thing was a giant disaster. Lots of west coast guys were already pretty skeptical about a Johnny Morris production blatantly ripping off the real US Open that has been going on for 40 years, but also just the unprofessional way the event was run. I wasn’t there, but know guys who were and it looks real bad for BPS. Maybe a good BASSU show topic (or Ike Live). I’m sure lots of people would love to chat about it.

April 26, 2021 03:07:57 PM

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