Rich Trick : Fishing Forum Posts
Old school Lucky Craft Pointer 100. Now that the 3 hook version is out... I'll put it down even less. I like to throw it on a 7' Cashion P8437 Elite and 12# Seaguar Invizix. The Pointer is 5/8oz bait compared to most jerkbaits that are 1/2. That little bit of weight makes a big difference in casting distance. The Pointer also has a good rolling action to it with also hard cuts when snapped on a slack line. I am 6'3" so I can get away with a 7' rod and keep the bait in a good depth zone for a long period of time. I will add a red treble in the middle at times if the bite slows down. Important to test tank your Pointers prior because they will rise quickly for the most part. Adding a bunch of ice to your tank when testing I think is important because in December, that water is really dense and you want to simulate the real deal as much as possible. Largies, Spots, and Smallies all eat the Pointer. Confidence bait.
I am from upstate New York, but live in Raleigh, North Carolina now.